Installing the CD-Manager

How to build the CDManager

Basically with the GNU mantra:

./configure [options]
make install	# You might have to be root

Common options for configure

  --helpOverwhelming help to configure
  --help=shortReduces the output of configure --help
  --prefix=pathdefault: /usr/local
  --disable-nlsDisable national language support
  --enable-checks[=level]Adds internal checks
  --enable-debug[=level]Sets tracelevel & generation of debuginfo

Common options/targets for make

  install Installs the whole thing. You might have to be root!
  cleanDeletes the files created during the make
  uninstall Uninstalls (after you found out what crap this package actually contains)

See the file INSTALL for more details.

Setting up the database

MySQL should already be running. How to achive this is beyond the scope of this document. Consult your local documentation how to setup, configure, secure and run it.

The database can be created by running

make createDB

in the SQL/ directory. You are prompted to enter the (MySQL) root password and the database is created.

For security reasons I recommend to define a dedicated user to run the application. This is beyond the scope of this document; see the MySQL documentation for how to do so.

Changing the genres of records/movies

The file Genres.dat in the data/ directory contains the genres of both records and movies (as I use them). The syntax is like those of INI-files and should be self-explainatory.

Note that one should not change the numbers for any genre, as they are used in the database to define its assigned genre.

After changing the file it must be installed (by typing make install in the data/ directory).

This file is also internationalized (e.g. there might exist various language specific versions of it, having the extension .xx with xx indicating the language). Keep them syncronized!

Changing the sort order of the entries

The program tries to sort the entries in a human-like way. To do so, it first tries to remove a single leading article and then any leading first names (except if this would remove the last word).

This should lead to a list sorted by sure names or - in case of groups - to names having the articles stripped of.

To be able to do so, the program needs to know, what articles and first names are. They can be added via the settings dialog (and are stored in the database).

The SQL/ directory contains a file (populateDB.sql) which pre-fills the database with english, german and spanish articles and a few first names. Load it into the database with

make populateDB

in the SQL/ directory. Note that this needs a (MySQL) user called cdmgr, for whose password you are prompted.

Exporting the database to HTML documents

The data is exported in a table-like structure; sorted by every available criteria (up- and downwards).

This table is surrounded by header and footer information which are read from files which can be specified in the settings dialog (either with an absolut path; or else relative to the data/-directory (which is /usr/local/share/CDManager unless other specified during configuring)).

Those files are searched first in a lanuguage-depended version with a .xx appended (where xx is the language code like de or es and than as entered in the dialog.

The generated HTML documents contains references to flags representing the languages. Those flags are stored in the data/ directory (/usr/local/share/CDManager, by default) and are called xx.png (with "xx" again the two-letter code for the language).

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